PyPy on Windows

Pypy is supported on Windows platforms, starting with Windows 2000. The following text gives some hints about how to translate the PyPy interpreter.

To build pypy-c you need a C compiler. Microsoft Visual Studio is preferred, but can also use the mingw32 port of gcc.

Translating PyPy with Visual Studio

We routinely test the RPython translation toolchain using Visual Studio .NET 2005, Professional Edition, and Visual Studio .NET 2008, Express Edition. Other configurations may work as well.

The translation scripts will set up the appropriate environment variables for the compiler. They will attempt to locate the same compiler version that was used to build the Python interpreter doing the translation. Failing that, they will pick the most recent Visual Studio compiler they can find. In addition, the target architecture (32 bits, 64 bits) is automatically selected. A 32 bit build can only be built using a 32 bit Python and vice versa.

Note: PyPy is currently not supported for 64 bit Windows, and translation will be aborted in this case.

The compiler is all you need to build pypy-c, but it will miss some modules that relies on third-party libraries. See below how to get and build them.

Preping Windows for the Large Build

Normally 32bit programs are limited to 2GB of memory on Windows. It is possible to raise this limit, to 3GB on Windows 32bit, and almost 4GB on Windows 64bit.

On Windows 32bit, it is necessary to modify the system: follow to enable the “3GB” feature, and reboot. This step is not necessary on Windows 64bit.

Then you need to execute:

editbin /largeaddressaware pypy.exe

on the pypy.exe file you compiled.

Installing external packages

On Windows, there is no standard place where to download, build and install third-party libraries. We chose to install them in the parent directory of the pypy checkout. For example, if you installed pypy in d:\pypy\trunk\ (This directory contains a README file), the base directory is d:\pypy.

The Boehm garbage collector

This library is needed if you plan to use the --gc=boehm translation option (this is the default at some optimization levels like -O1, but unneeded for high-performance translations like -O2). You may get it at

Versions 7.0 and 7.1 are known to work; the 6.x series won’t work with pypy. Unpack this folder in the base directory. Then open a command prompt:

cd gc-7.1
copy Release\gc.dll <somewhere in the PATH>

The zlib compression library

Download and extract it in the base directory. Then compile:

cd zlib-1.2.3
nmake -f win32\Makefile.msc
copy zlib1.dll <somewhere in the PATH>\zlib.dll

The bz2 compression library

Download and extract it in the base directory. Then compile:

cd bzip2-1.0.5
nmake -f makefile.msc

The expat XML parser

Download the source code of expat on sourceforge: and extract it in the base directory. Then open the project file expat.dsw with Visual Studio; follow the instruction for converting the project files, switch to the “Release” configuration, and build the solution (the expat project is actually enough for pypy).

Then, copy the file win32\bin\release\libexpat.dll somewhere in your PATH.

The OpenSSL library

OpenSSL needs a Perl interpreter to configure its makefile. You may use the one distributed by ActiveState, or the one from cygwin. In both case the perl interpreter must be found on the PATH.

Get and extract it in the base directory. Then compile:

perl Configure VC-WIN32
nmake -f ms\nt.mak install

Using the mingw compiler

You can compile pypy with the mingw compiler, using the –cc=mingw32 option; mingw.exe must be on the PATH.

libffi for the mingw32 compiler

To enable the _rawffi (and ctypes) module, you need to compile a mingw32 version of libffi. I downloaded the libffi source files, and extracted them in the base directory. Then run:

sh ./configure
cp .libs/libffi-5.dll <somewhere on the PATH>